“Outdoor play, trips to the woods looking for animals and flowers! Baking – she enjoyed a tasty pizza for tea tonight that she had made, I had a wee taste it really was delicious! Lovely meals at lunchtimes and a great choice and selection. My daughter loved the sand pit as a baby and my son too, so much we got one at home too and they enjoy almost every day.”
Holiday Club
During the school holidays we offer a children’s holiday club for primary school aged children. The children help us plan specific activities for each day to cater for all of the children interests, often with different variations or different levels of challenge for different age groups. Some of the activities we enjoy include picnics in the park, craft days, sensory and water play day, ice cream tasting, cooking on the fire, and baking competitions. The children all socialise together and make new friends, with holiday time being a great time for our busy school learners to chill out and have fun.
Our holiday club provision was affected by Covid-19 from 2020 to 2022, however we are making a move to return to more normal provision and have been able to offer school aged siblings of current nursery children places from Easter 2021. We will keep this under review and hope to return to more normal services from Summer 2023.